Sunday, March 29, 2009

Beginning a Blog has been a real birthing experience for me. I have friends who blog and I love to read their inspirations and insight. I commented on Facebook that I would like to blog, but didn't know if I could. Several friends stated that, of course I could. They all know my gift for gab. I'm not really concerned about having things to say, I could probably ramble with the best of them. What challenges me the most is if I start this, will I keep it up? One of the things I know about my self is that I can get really excited about something, even passionate and then the enthusiasm wans. Soon what was begun wanders off into the shadows of things I wish I had followed through.

Every posting on the internet wants a profile. Things about me: interests, favorite this and that. I usually ignore the request for the information, only posting vital statistics about myself: gender, birthdate, city of residence. So, when I opened the page to create a blog, I decided to start with the profile page. It has been a very stimulating exercise. I don't contemplate much about what I like and dislike. I'm pretty easy going and really think more about what the people in my life like and need. I began this exploration of myself into things (that others might find simple) like what books, movies, songs are my favorite. What I have discovered is that I really have a lot of books, movies and songs that I like; that are my favorites. Once I opened the jar it wouldn't stop flowing. In fact I am having so much fun thinking about these things that I imagine I will have to reread some books and watch some movies that I haven't watched in awhile. I am finding out that there really are a lot of things I find favorite! In fact, I think I may have to blog on my favorites and why they are my favorites. Maybe, I will determine some things about myself that I didn't know.

So here's to Kelsey, Denise, Avis, Vickie and Jill for telling me that I can do this. The adventure has begun.