Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Randi is Officially Eleven

Randi turns eleven today. I called her first thing this morning to wish her Happy Birthday. When asked what it feels like to be eleven, she said, “hmmmm….not much different than ten.” So there you have it.

However, this afternoon when we all get off work, Randi, Julie, Kimberlee, Brandy, Cheyenne, Sierra, Nona and Pops will be having Birthday cake to celebrate this important day. Then on Saturday afternoon we will have an official party for Randi with her close friends. She is learning the art of stretching her birthday celebration out as far as she can.

Julie had wanted to wait until next weekend to have the party, but Randi insists that we must have it this Saturday. It is important enough to her that we are making it happen.

David went with me to United last night. We needed some groceries (I have been putting this trip off several days.) We decided to eat while we were there. While we were eating David looked around and said, “This floor looks like ours at home.” I said, “Excuse me look at this floor, it is covered with dried mud.” But, I took the hint and this morning I got up early to sweep and mop the floors in the living room, dining room and kitchen. While my very small pile of dirt paled in comparison to the floors at United, I must say I do feel good that the task is done one more time.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Comfort Food Tonight

It is comfort food at our house tonight; fried pork chops, rice and gravy and spinach from the can. It’s just one of those days that it feels right to have something comforting to eat.

David’s dad called this afternoon. He put mom back in the hospital yesterday. He said she is dehydrated and is having intestinal troubles. He sounded so sad. He said she is still losing weight. He is feeding her 1750 calories a day through her feeding tube and she has still lost 3 pounds. He said her legs aren’t any bigger around than his wrist. He got choked up telling me. It makes me sad. He loves her so much, he always has. She is his sweetheart. I know he is so worried.

I got home from work and had a Christmas card from my sister, Robin and a card from my cousin David and his family. I am so glad for friends, cousins and sisters who send Christmas cards to people that they may not get a card from, but they send them anyway. It was good to come home and find them in the mail. All the cards we get at Christmas time are special. They always bring good memories of the numerous friends and family we have. We are so blessed.

I love cousins who call unexpectedly when they come through town or connect with me on face book. Cousins were a big deal growing up and I haven’t done a very good job of staying connected with any of them, so I am glad that they reach out to me. I am sad thinking of the cousins that I won’t see again here on earth.

And friends are pretty special too. My friend Darla sent an email after reading my blog. She is such a dear, encouraging friend. Darla, I too want my passion for God and Jesus to be of primary importance in my life. Thanks for striking that chord in my heart.

Ok, so I am feeling very nostalgic tonight. And I know you can’t tell by what I have written so far, but it is because of the sweet, good memories that I am feeling this way. And I do enjoy remembering people who have touched my life in any way. I am trying to resolve myself to do a better job of actually communicating to people who mean a lot to me. I would like to know them better and I would like for them to know me better. I will have to work on this to see how it will develop.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Sunday Thoughts

It's Sunday, the third day of the New Year. I love the weekend, especially Sunday morning. I love worship. I love gathering with everyone, seeing familiar faces, being hugged. I love the praise time. I love the songs we sing. I love the feeling of being in the presence of God with other people. This is the one experience that comes close to being a passion. I truly do have a heart for corporate worship.

Randi spent the night last night. She is such a delight. We enjoy each other’s company. She helped me prepare dinner. We did some stuff on the computer and then we watched a movie. This morning before worship I introduced Randi to a friend of mine. Charlotte asked me if Randi lives in Lubbock. I told her that yes, she does and also that Randi had lived with us for four years. Charlotte said, “Oh, then she is comfortable with you.” And that’s the truth. We are comfortable with each other.

When we got home, Julie was here. She stayed a little while, so that was a nice visit. Now Randi and Julie are gone home. The house is quiet. Well, David is watching the Cowboys, so the game noise is in the back ground. But, my little chatter-box is not here. She carries on quite the conversation and when she is gone I can feel the drop in the level of the sound waves. I love this very special young lady (who by the way will be 11 in 3 days).

Friday, January 1, 2010

It’s a new year, 2010, and the time for new beginnings. I think about things like resolutions and beginnings a lot. The problem is that I just let the thoughts roll around in my head and never try to solidify them into any sort of process or commitment. I have a sense deep inside myself that if I don’t make a promise then I won’t have to keep it. In a way I guess that is taking life very nonchalantly, without purpose. I have had a good life overall, but I feel like I could do more if I had a drive, a passion, a purpose.

David and I brought in the New Year by watching the movie Julie and Julia. I must say that I wasn't expecting what I got from this movie. Something has been stirred and that is appealing to me. The movie was funny (I laughed out loud) and entertaining. Now I want to read the book.

What I saw in Julia Child appealed to me because I could see something of myself in her. I have gone through life looking for a passion. I have learned to do a lot of things in my life trying to find the thing that I would really love. Watching Julia struggle with what really interested her and taking the classes to learn something new was a little like looking into a mirror. The difference between Julia and me is that I have never committed myself to one thing to become accomplished at it. I have many interests and I can do a lot of things, but I am not accomplished at any one thing. I was inspired by her diligence once she realized her true interest was food, when she decided that she wanted to learn to cook French style. I loved her tenaciousness for the classes, trying to get it right and stubbornly practicing to be as good as the men in her class. Her efforts were not the half hearted efforts of a passing hobby, but the diligence of a true love.

Julie on the other hand is my new hero. I understand her struggle with beginning things and not following through to the end. (My blog which I started in April and have 2 posts to date will attest to this.) When she decided to begin her blog and cook through Julia's entire cookbook I felt the overwhelming "giantness" of that undertaking. I never commit to something so wholeheartedly because then I won't have to follow through. When she set the goal to complete her task in a year, I felt nervousness for her to be able to really follow through. Goal setting has never been a favorite of mine as again it means I will need to accomplish something.

So watching a random movie on New Year’s Eve, the end of 2009 and the beginning of 2010, I ask myself, could I really make any promises and follow through? There are things I finish, like reading through my chronological Bible in a year and some crochet and knitting projects. But, what would I really like to commit to in the New Year? Would I really be willing to set a goal about something big and follow through? I will have to pursue these thoughts. Maybe this blog will be a start of something intriguing.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

It's a quiet evening after several days of non-stop activity. Wednesday I drove to Amarillo to meet Rebecca and pick up Coley. We got back to town, fixed supper, greeted Pops and waited for Chris and Margie to get in.

I took Thursday and Friday off from work to maximize the time that we would have to visit. Thursday we spent most of the day playing Wii sports. I must admit I am a bit hooked on the game. This was my first real chance to play. Coley has brought his game with him before, but I was usually too busy to participate. I really love the golf and bowling, my favs.

Thursday night Julie, Kimberlee, Randi, Elizabeth, Clint (Elizabeth's sweetie) and Larenda (friend of Julie) came over for supper. It was great. There was so much conversation, fun and noise, I had a hard time trying to listen to all that was going on. I just love great family time. Larenda is from the northwest so she was asking about things to see and do in the Lubbock area. Everyone was adding places to go to the list. She will be so busy traveling to Ruidoso, Cloudcroft, Palo Duro Canyon, etc. that we won't see her for awhile.

We picked Randi up from school Thursday and she stayed at our house until about six this evening (Sunday). It is always fun to have her around. She was dog sitting, Dollie, this weekend so we added that to our activities.

Chris and Margie took Kimberlee and one of her friends to lunch on Thursday and Friday. They also went to Randi's school and sat with her class at the lunch table. Coley and I stayed home both days and fixed lunch for Pops. On Friday I helped him fix an impact wrench at lunchtime so I was glad we were here. Some things are easier done with four hands. On Thursday Pops had the biggest tool box he has sold to date delivered to the house by semi. Fortunately Chris and Margie were here. The wind was blowing fiercely so it took all of us and the two men on the truck to steer the thing into the garage. We loaded it on the truck this afternoon and again the wind was blowing wildly. West Texas in the spring, you gotta love it!

Chris went through some boxes of his things that were in the top of a closet and packed them up to take with them. I'm sure Margie is thinking, "where will we put this stuff." But, I think it's time for him to take possession. We found a box of old LP's so had some interesting conversation about the groups and songs that have been remade several times by several groups.

When it was time for Chris and Margie to go, it was hard to believe that the time had come so quickly. After Randi left I told Coley, "Now you are an only child." I think he kind of likes it.

And so, it is rather quiet in the house tonight.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Beginning a Blog has been a real birthing experience for me. I have friends who blog and I love to read their inspirations and insight. I commented on Facebook that I would like to blog, but didn't know if I could. Several friends stated that, of course I could. They all know my gift for gab. I'm not really concerned about having things to say, I could probably ramble with the best of them. What challenges me the most is if I start this, will I keep it up? One of the things I know about my self is that I can get really excited about something, even passionate and then the enthusiasm wans. Soon what was begun wanders off into the shadows of things I wish I had followed through.

Every posting on the internet wants a profile. Things about me: interests, favorite this and that. I usually ignore the request for the information, only posting vital statistics about myself: gender, birthdate, city of residence. So, when I opened the page to create a blog, I decided to start with the profile page. It has been a very stimulating exercise. I don't contemplate much about what I like and dislike. I'm pretty easy going and really think more about what the people in my life like and need. I began this exploration of myself into things (that others might find simple) like what books, movies, songs are my favorite. What I have discovered is that I really have a lot of books, movies and songs that I like; that are my favorites. Once I opened the jar it wouldn't stop flowing. In fact I am having so much fun thinking about these things that I imagine I will have to reread some books and watch some movies that I haven't watched in awhile. I am finding out that there really are a lot of things I find favorite! In fact, I think I may have to blog on my favorites and why they are my favorites. Maybe, I will determine some things about myself that I didn't know.

So here's to Kelsey, Denise, Avis, Vickie and Jill for telling me that I can do this. The adventure has begun.