Monday, January 4, 2010

Comfort Food Tonight

It is comfort food at our house tonight; fried pork chops, rice and gravy and spinach from the can. It’s just one of those days that it feels right to have something comforting to eat.

David’s dad called this afternoon. He put mom back in the hospital yesterday. He said she is dehydrated and is having intestinal troubles. He sounded so sad. He said she is still losing weight. He is feeding her 1750 calories a day through her feeding tube and she has still lost 3 pounds. He said her legs aren’t any bigger around than his wrist. He got choked up telling me. It makes me sad. He loves her so much, he always has. She is his sweetheart. I know he is so worried.

I got home from work and had a Christmas card from my sister, Robin and a card from my cousin David and his family. I am so glad for friends, cousins and sisters who send Christmas cards to people that they may not get a card from, but they send them anyway. It was good to come home and find them in the mail. All the cards we get at Christmas time are special. They always bring good memories of the numerous friends and family we have. We are so blessed.

I love cousins who call unexpectedly when they come through town or connect with me on face book. Cousins were a big deal growing up and I haven’t done a very good job of staying connected with any of them, so I am glad that they reach out to me. I am sad thinking of the cousins that I won’t see again here on earth.

And friends are pretty special too. My friend Darla sent an email after reading my blog. She is such a dear, encouraging friend. Darla, I too want my passion for God and Jesus to be of primary importance in my life. Thanks for striking that chord in my heart.

Ok, so I am feeling very nostalgic tonight. And I know you can’t tell by what I have written so far, but it is because of the sweet, good memories that I am feeling this way. And I do enjoy remembering people who have touched my life in any way. I am trying to resolve myself to do a better job of actually communicating to people who mean a lot to me. I would like to know them better and I would like for them to know me better. I will have to work on this to see how it will develop.

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